the end of this discussion to release yourself from the damaging effect of every demonic activities.
So what are biblical curses?
to get an accurate answer to this question: you just need to read the
book of Deuteronomy 28 from verse 15 and you will see that most of the
things we endure in life and as Christians are actually curses.Disobedience brings Curses. Look at the scripture below:
“But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you” Deut.28:15So what is disobedience to a Christian? There is an interesting scripture in the letter of Paul to Timothy, let look at it.
“Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows them that are his. And, Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity” 2 Timothy 2:19As we can see every form of sin is disobedient to God and as deut.28:15 says anyone who disobey God will come under a curse in one shape or another. What I’m trying to say is that we all need to check our life carefully and see if we are operating under curses or the blessing.
Suspect a generations curse when you see:
1. Multiple cases of the same problem occur in the family line, such as multiple premature deaths, multiple cases of a particular disease such as diabetes, multiple cases of alcoholism, multiple cases of divorce, stroke, heart disease, accidents, multiple family members practicing fornication or other repetitive sins (If the parents or grandparents were fornicators, the children and grandchildren will be fornicators according to the spiritual laws which govern curses).
2. Deliverance, healing, or salvation are not received
3. Misfortunes of the same kind or another keep happening repeatedly
4. Personal performance at work or at home is continually impaired or hampered despite one’s best efforts, or is continually frustrated so that nothing seems to help or to be able to change or improve it.
5. You, your work, or efforts are continually or repeatedly opposed or destroyed by people.
Common manifestation of curses are as follows:
- . Continual financial problems.
- . Continual lack of prosperity
- . Chronic physical or mental illnesses.
- . Premature death.
- . Multiple or repetitive accidents or injuries, particularly of the same type.
- . Chronic strife or arguments or problems with interpersonal relationships.
- . Hereditary physical or emotional problems.
- . Multiple manifestations of the same kind of physical, circumstantial, or emotional problems in the family line, such as multiple cases of suicide, etc.
- . Chronic torment.
- . Poor eating or sleeping habits in infants or children.
- . Failure to thrive in young infants or sickliness
- . Business failures, single or repeated
- . Inability to conceive children or multiple miscarriages
There are many other manifestations of curses but I have described the more common and more general manifestations. The presence of a curse is always discerned through the Spirit.
The appropriate remedy is the repentance and breaking the curse in the Name of Christ Jesus.
Curses and blessings cross over from the Old Testament to the New Testament unchanged.
We see this in the New Testament on several occasions where the apostles cursed evil acts (Mark 11:21, Galatians 1:8, 9). Saint Paul speaks a curse upon all those who preach “another gospel” or “another Jesus.” And again, in the New Testament, we see Jesus cursing the fig three that bore no fruit. Here the fig tree symbolizes sin, the fruit of sin, or an evil work since God’s way is always increase by the bearing of good fruit.
Noteworthy is the fact that only born-again, Spirit-filled believers can be free from curses. The reason for this is that freedom from curses along with all the other benefits of the Kingdom are the right of inheritance of those who inherit the Kingdom of God; the Bible tells us that one cannot enter the Kingdom unless one is “born again” first. The Bible is quite clear that the blessings of the Kingdom are for the people of the Kingdom.
Open doors to curses are as follows:
- . Involvement in the occult sciences such as witchcraft or Satanism, or organizations using the occult sciences in an open or disguised manner such as: Yoga, transcendental meditation, white witchcraft, black witchcraft, Zen, Buddhism, Hinduism, all forms of physical Yoga and mental Yoga practices (the physical and mental disciplines of demonic religions), – Freemasonry and other fraternal organizations having secret rituals found in witchcraft or preaching a method of salvation of their own, magic, sorcery, astrology, palmistry, numerology, divination (telling the future) through psychic channeling, New Age movement and practices,
- . pagan religions, telepathy, clairvoyance, seances,
- . Ouija board, tattoos, etc
- . Involvement in idolatry
- . Disobedience to God’s Word
- . Rebellion against God
- . Pursuing sexual sins or perversions, or all sin for that matter.
- . Self-inflicted negative words or those inflicted by others.
- . Ancestral sins.
- . Suicide
- . Dishonoring parents or those in authority.
- . Unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger.
- . Manipulation and intimidation for the purpose of domination of others
- (witchcraft in the church (Galatians 3).
- . Cursing God.
- . Compromising the doctrines of Christ.
- . Manipulation or defrauding of others.
- . Wilful cursing of others. Tattoos.
- . Coveting cursed objects. Defilement of self or others.
- . Desecration of the Body of Christ (the Church). Antisemitism.
- . Divorce for reasons other than adultery (or perhaps, abandonment).
- . Touching the anointing or the anointed of God. Failure to tithe.
Please follow the recommendations below to release yourself from curses and demonic activities.
1. Personally affirm your faith in Christ:
“Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you are the Son of God and the only way to God – that you died on the cross for my sins and rose again so that I might be forgiven and receive eternal life.”
2. Humble yourself:
“I renounce any pride and religious self-righteousness and any dignity that does not come from you. I have no claim on your mercy except that you died in my place.”
3. Confess to any known sin:
“I confess all my sins before You and hold nothing back. Especially I confess …. ”
4. Repent of all sins:
“I repent of all my sins. I turn away from them and I turn to you, Lord, for mercy and forgiveness.”
5. Forgive all other people:
“By a decision of my will, I freely forgive all those who ever harmed me or wronged me. I lay down all bitterness, all resentment and all hatred. Specifically, I forgive …”
6. Break with the occult and all false religion:
“I sever all contact I have ever had with the occult or with all false religion – particularly …
“I commit myself to get rid of all objects associated with the occult or false religion.”
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that on the cross You were made a
curse that I might be redeemed from the curse and enter into the
blessing. And because of what You did, Lord Jesus, in Your precious Name
I release myself from every curse over me and my family and I claim the
blessing that You purchased for me with Your blood. Thank you, Lord
Jesus.” Blessed be your Holy Name!Heavenly Father, I come to you in the Name that is above every other name. In the Name of Your Holy Son, Jesus Christ, I come to you sincerely with a desire to be free from the influence of all generational curses in my life.
I declare that because of what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross of Calvary, I am cleansed and covered by the precious blood of Jesus and the devil has no power over me.
I now confess all my sins, known and unknown. I repent of them right now in the Name of Jesus Christ and ask you to forgive me and help me to take back any jurisdiction I may have forfeited to the enemy.
I also acknowledge the sins of all my forefathers. In the Name of Jesus and by the blood of the Lamb, I break and renounce the power of every demonic curse that was passed down to me through the sins and actions of my forefathers. I break the power and the hold of every curse that came to me through my sins and the sins of my forefathers.
In the Name of Jesus, I break the power and hold of every curse that came to me through words spoken by my mother, father or teachers at school.
I break the power and hold of every curse that came to me through disobedience of mine and my forefathers in worshiping other gods.
In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, break, and loose myself and my family from all demonic strongholds, psychic powers, bondage’s, bonds of inherited, physical or mental illnesses or curses upon me and my family line as a result of sins, transgressions, iniquities, occult or psychic involvement by any member of my family line, living or dead.
In the Name of Jesus, I declare every legal hold and all legal ground of the enemy broken and destroyed. Satan no longer has jurisdiction to harass me or my family line through generational curses.
Through the blood of Jesus, I am free! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for setting me free! I confess that my body, soul, and spirit are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. I am redeemed, cleansed, sanctified, and justified by the blood of Jesus.
Thank you, Heavenly father for setting me free. I surrender my will to you. Use me in this end-time hour as a member of your victorious army to win souls for your glory in Jesus Mighty Name. AMEN!
Praise the name of the Lord forever and ever! Glory to God in the Heaven!
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!!
How to maintain your deliverance:
The bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
and we all know that wisdom is the principle gift to have in life.
therefore to maintain your deliverance you must practice this scripture,
that is, work consistently in the fear of the Lord.
your question will be; what is the fear of the Lord?
the answer to this very important question is simple. the fear of
the Lord is to depart from iniquity. that is, to run away from sin. to
say NO to sin and maintain your no.
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