Connecting the Prophetic Dots of Your Destiny - Prophetic Ministry | UCHENNA C. OKONKWOR


Monday 29 August 2016

Connecting the Prophetic Dots of Your Destiny - Prophetic Ministry

When God first called me into prophetic ministry, I couldn’t see the forest for the proverbial trees. In fact, I didn’t even get it.
The Holy Spirit was dropping prophetic puzzle pieces along my path, but since I didn’t have any real understanding of modern-day prophetic ministry at the time, I continued to walk around as if I was clueless.
I began to see a running theme in my dealings with the Lord. He was showing me through books I was reading the earmarks of my calling. I was still unsure and didn’t mention it to anyone.
Within months, someone prophesied over me in a prayer line, proclaiming that I was a "voice of governing authority." I had no earthly idea what that meant. So I went home and researched each word in the Bible and the dictionary.
Prophetic Dot-to-Dot
The Holy Spirit supernaturally took me to the same Scripture reference in three of the Gospels about John the Baptist being a voice crying in the wilderness. I finally got the revelation. But that was just the beginning.
I’ve had a series of baby dreams over the years, each a few years apart, that offered additional clues as to what I was birthing and the uncomfortable process I’d have to go through to see the prophesied ministry become a reality. I’m walking in a measure of those prophetic dreams now. But, again, it’s progressive.
Recently, when I was worshipping at the International House of Prayer in Atlanta, God connected so many dots in about 30 minutes that it was overwhelming. I have enough clarity now to move ahead to the next season. But I’m convinced that there is much more that I still don’t see. If you had told me 10 years ago I’d be serving in the capacities I am today I probably wouldn’t have had the faith to believe it. What about you?
A Prophetic Coloring Book
Whether God has called you into prophetic ministry or something else, in order to get glimpses of your destiny you often have to connect the prophetic dots, so to speak. That can take years because when we first catch on that God is calling us, we’re typically only catching on to the first season of our calling.
Sure, God can open your spiritual eyes and show you the end from the beginning. But more often than not your calling will progress and evolve much like a child’s dot-to-dot coloring book. In other words, you may see the outline of the image but the intricate details that make it a picture worthy of hanging on the refrigerator are yet missing.The Bible says, “But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’ But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God” (1 Cor. 2:9-10).
God reveals our progressive calling to us through His Spirit. Sure, He may use a person to prophesy over you. He may use a sermon or book to open your eyes. He may use divine appointments to get your attention. The Holy Spirit is actively offering you clues to your destiny. It’s up to us to connect the prophetic dots.
So how can you connect the prophetic dots to get a clearer picture of your calling and destiny?
1. Be a student of the Word. We must stay grounded in the written Word of God. God speaks to us through His Word by outlining timeless kingdom principles, but He can also give us a rhema word that stirs our spirits to move toward His plan for our lives. I urge you to be a student of the Word.
2. Pray in the Spirit. “For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries” (1 Cor. 14:2). I remember when a very wise man explained to me that if I pray in tongues and meditate on the Word, that combination would unlock God’s best in my life. He was right.
3. Write down prophetic words. When the Holy Spirit speaks to you through a dream, a vision, an impression, a still, small voice or through another prophetic voice—however He speaks—write it down. It’s much easier to connect the prophetic dots when you have a prophetic history to draw from. Chronicle the prophetic moments in your life.
Overall, stay sensitive to His Spirit. Stay connected with people. He uses them to help you take you where He wants you to go. And know when to share what the Lord has said to you and when to keep your mouth tightly shut up until the promise manifests. Remember Joseph.
Take heart. I can assure you that God has a great plan for your life and He’s actively working to share His plan with you little by little. If He revealed it all at once, the enemy would come in like a flood to try to destroy your destiny. By revealing your calling progressively God can protect your prophetic destiny even as He prepares you to fulfill it. Amen.

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