When You Need Understanding of the Word | UCHENNA C. OKONKWOR


Tuesday 23 August 2016

When You Need Understanding of the Word

"The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power" (Eph. 1:18-19).

In the natural, if you are blind and can't see, it doesn't matter how bright and beautiful the scenery is, you won't be able to see it. Or, for example, what good is the beauty of a diamond if you can't behold it?

But did you know that the same thing is true when it comes to seeing the things of God? All the wonders and treasures of God can be found in the pages of God's Word. But if the eyes of your understanding aren't enlightened or opened to the truth of the Word, you won't see God's hidden riches.

You see, it's with the heart that Christians see spiritual things in the first place. In other words, in order to really understand the Word of God, we need to understand in our heart or spirit what our inheritance is in Christ.

In fact, many times spiritual things don't make sense to our natural, carnal mind. We understand the truth of God's Word first in our spirit and then it comes into our mind.

Therefore, you need to look with your heart at what God says in His Word. Quit trying to figure the Bible out with your head! Ask God to open the eyes of your understanding so you can understand the spiritual riches that He's provided just for you, His child!

God wants the eyes of our understanding opened! He wants us to see or perceive the wonders of our inheritance in Christ! Actually, there are three things about our inheritance in Christ that God wants us to be able to perceive with our heart.

First, He wants us to know the hope of His call on our lives. Second, God wants us to know the glorious riches of His inheritance to us, His saints. And third, God wants us to know the exceeding greatness of His power working on behalf of those of us who believe Him.

How do we get the eyes of our understanding enlightened to see the riches that God has provided for us? For one thing, we can pray these prayers to God for ourselves. The Bible says that the Word of God never returns void. It always accomplishes what it was sent to do (Isa. 55:11).

Then as we stay in God's Presence and in His Word, the eyes of our understanding will begin to be enlightened so we can receive the knowledge of His will in every area of our lives. Once our eyes are opened spiritually, then we will begin to truly behold the riches of God's glory for each one of us!

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