How to get Prepared for God’s Blessings and Promises | UCHENNA C. OKONKWOR


Tuesday 21 March 2017

How to get Prepared for God’s Blessings and Promises

preparing for God's blessingsMany of us are believing God for incredible things.  We have dreams, visions, and desires placed in our hearts by God and we’re believing God to make good on His promises to us.  Some of us find comfort in the scripture that tells us “all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20).  While the promises of God are without void,
we have a responsibility to make sure we are preparing for God’s blessings and promises.  The Bible states faith without works is dead (James 2:17).  Therefore, I propose to you that preparing for God’s blessings requires faith into action.  It’s not enough to simply say you’re ready to receive God’s blessings, and yet do nothing to position yourself for God’s blessings.

Preparing for God’s Blessings: A Snippet of My Story

I started 2PraiseGod in 2009 as a source of encouragement to Christians.  God has given me great dreams and visions for this site.  However throughout the years, I wrestled against them because I felt unworthy and unqualified.  Oftentimes, I would say to God, “there are other people more qualified, experienced, and better able to do the job.”  I struggled a lot over the last 7 years with feeling unworthy to go before people and encourage them.  As a result, I suppressed the gift God has given me to exhort and encourage others.

I woke up one morning feeling very unhappy and unfulfilled.  I wanted to give up because I felt my life had no sense of purpose.  My life consisted of work and nothing else.  However, God reminded me of the plans He has for my life.  Until you walk in your calling, your life will always feel unfulfilled.
As I lied in bed, I grabbed my phone and came across a very encouraging video that spoke about business and utilizing your gifts.  All of a sudden, my spirit was encouraged, my hope was restored, and my passion for 2PraiseGod was reignited.
My faith propelled me to take action.  It didn’t take long before I redesigned 2PraiseGod (which I’m really excited about), educated myself with business knowledge, registered a business name, and opened a business checking’s account.  This was done in faith and in preparation of the mighty blessings I’m believing God for.

Positioning Yourself to Receive God’s Blessings

Plant Your Seeds in the Ground

You position yourself to receive God’s blessings by planting your seeds in the ground.  A seed, for purposes of this devotion, is information you garner in preparation for your harvest.  For example, if you’re believing God to become a millionaire, you ought to plant seeds of knowledge in the ground by educating yourself on how to obtain the wealth you’re believing God for.  If you’re believing God for a house, your seeds might include researching the housing market and finding out what credit score is needed to get approved for a mortgage loan.  This is how you begin preparing for your blessing.  Whatever you’re believing God for, plant seeds in the ground for the harvest you’re expecting.

Tend to Your Seeds and Water Them

Once you’ve planted seeds of information in the ground, like a gardener, you must then tend to your seeds by watering them.  Watering encourages growth and is done in expectation of a harvest.  Gardeners understand this principle because they water their seeds periodically despite the fact of not seeing a harvest.  They understand their consistency will yield them a harvest in due season.
Furthermore, it is necessary for you to take action on the knowledge you’ve gained.  This is how you water your seeds.  You find practical ways to implement what you’ve just learned.  For an example, if I’m believing God to bless me with a house, after I’ve learned what credit score is needed to get a mortgage loan, I must then work towards improving my credit score if it’s too low.  Do things in preparation of the harvest you’re believing God for.  In doing so, you’re operating in what the scripture calls “now faith” (Hebrews 11:1).  Now faith is always accommodated with action (James 2:17).

Remember to Be Patient

As you’re watering your seeds, remember to keep in mind your expected harvest.  You want to remind yourself daily why you’re doing a particular task.  I say this because there will be times you question whether or not your actions are fruitful.  You don’t see the work God is doing beneath the surface, so you get discouraged.  Remember, we plant seeds in the ground in expectation of a harvest, but it is God who determines when we will yield our harvest.

This came to me as I was working on 2PraiseGod.  I was feeling a little discouraged and this came to my spirit.  I want to encourage you.  After you’ve planted your seeds in the ground and as you are actively watering those seeds, be patient, and don’t grow weary.  In due season, your harvest will come.

How to Prepare for God’s Blessing: Final Words

Maybe you’re called to start a business or to write a book.  Perhaps to preach God’s word or to teach his word to children.  Maybe you’re believing God for a child, a family or a mate.  Whatever dreams, visions, and desires God has given you, prepare for it.
Here’s your check list:
  1. Plant your seeds of knowledge in the ground by educating yourself.
  2. Water your seeds by putting into action what you’ve learned.
  3. Be patient and trust God to manifest your dreams, visions, and desires in due season.
I pray this word blesses you.  Preparing for God’s blessings get you in position for the miracles and blessings you’re believing God for.  There’s no secret formula to unlocking God’s blessings in your life; just faith, obedience, action, and patience.  That’s how to get the blessings of God to manifest in your life. We have a sure promise that we shall reap our harvest if we faint not.
How will you begin preparing for God’s blessings in your life?  I look forward to reading about it in the comments below.  God bless you!

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